How to Freshen Up a Thrifted Cashmere Sweater
Take care of them, and they will take care of you. If repair is a radical act, then let’s be radical fashionistas.
“Why is repair such a radical act? Fixing something we might otherwise throw away is almost inconceivable to many in the heyday of fast fashion and rapidly advancing technology, but the impact is enormous.”
4 Tools you may need depending on the repair:
A needle and thread is all you need to fix up tiny holes, semi-detached labels and more. If you are new to hand sewing, see a quick how-to in this tutorial on @living.petite (Instagram).
Semi-detached label? Easy fix!
Label fixed with a needle and thread.
Club Monaco 100% cashmere sweater thrifted from Buffalo Exchange for $30. New at $329.
(In the Background: piggy stool from Amazon; table lamp from West Elm; platform bed from CB2.)
No sale beats a good thrift. Pre-owned quality clothing can last a long time in your closet and may even be passed down to the next lucky owner when you want a style change.
Pilling on sweaters is very common, and you can use a fabric shaver to turn it new again! See the little tool in action in this post I shared on @living.petite (Instagram). You can see instant result which is very satisfying.
These are my must-have tools to freshen up a thrifted cashmere sweater. I first used the instant carpet spot remover to clean the label and a tiny stain on one of the sleeves. I know this is made for carpets but I have been using it on various fabrics beyond my carpet: like sofas, backpacks, car interiors, and even clothing. It works excellently, but as with any effective cleaner, when in doubt, test it on a small and discreet area first. After spot cleaning, I used the fabric shaver to remove some mild pilling. Lastly, using the Woolite dry clean sheet, I cleaned the sweater in the dryer at home.
All of this took me about 40 minutes. And then I have a like-new soft cashmere sweater that is great for working at home and lounging in.
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